Children’s Ministry

 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14)

We believe children are a vital part of the church. On Sunday mornings, children are invited to join us in the Sunday morning worship service. They participate in worship by collecting the F.U.E.L. offering (which provides snacks for children in need at Kingston Springs Elementary School). After this, they are invited up front for a children’s message that is based on the scripture passage that the pastor is preaching on. Following the children’s message, children 4 years old and younger are welcome to go to the nursery, which is located behind the Sanctuary, to the right. Children in the nursery are invited to join us again in the Sanctuary at the end of the worship service for Holy Communion.

We follow Safe Sanctuary policy in our children ministries and all Children’s Ministry staff receive annual training in this policy.

For questions about our Children’s Ministry, contact Pastor Steven Angus